Unique Literature.
Beautifully Crafted.
To be creative, you must trust your own voice, establish your own style.
The goal of Hidden Shelf is simple –
connect serious readers to great writers.
The Land Of Shadows
Newly Released!
By Seth Lowen
In the kingdom of Anoria, peace has reigned for many years, but something is stirring within the Land of Shadows. Having grown up in the small town of Brandir, Maran and his brother Jerathim know little of the outside world. On a perilous night, their home destroyed, and mother slain by the monstrous Wrog, the brothers are thrust into a war for the fate of Anoria.
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2023 Hidden Shelf Holiday Catalogue
2023 Hidden Shelf Holiday Catalogue. Treasured Gifts to Last a Lifetime.
Summer Reading 2023
Summer Reading List 2023
A book to read on a long flight. A book to read while lying in the hammock. A book to read while relaxing on the beach. A book to read when you wish you were relaxing on the beach. A guilt-free option for entertaining your children. A new summer read for your book club. A book to complete your summer reading bingo sheet or the summer reading challenge at your library.
Whatever it is you are looking for we listed a few suggestions to get you started.
Legend Keepers in the News
The Legend Keepers Series has won three awards due to its uniquely crafted narrative and important message– a blend of fantasy and fiction promoting an environmental message!
“I blended what we know about animals from research, and what we would like to know about animals but don’t — the stuff we imagine and wish we knew,” he said. “As a novelist, I have this freedom that I don’t have as a scientist writing nonfiction.”

Serious Literature. Unique History.
Beautifully Crafted.
Hidden Shelf is an independent publishing company based in Idaho. We provide quality content to local readers and world-wide readers alike! Our mission is to take a serious approach to our unique stories. Hidden Shelf currently has a small, but continuously growing, collection of books and eBooks available through Amazon.com.
While Amazon.com works wonderfully for the individual consumer, retailers can find Hidden Shelf books through Ingram. Our print-on-demand method of providing reading material is environmentally friendly and efficient with quick and quality results.
Hidden Shelf Publishing House is an independent publisher based in Idaho. Founded in 2017, we aim to amplify underrepresented voices and illuminate hidden narratives through innovative stories and unique perspectives. Our broad range of titles includes historical accounts, fiction, women’s interest, children’s literature, and more. We focus on building strong relationships with our authors so we can effectively share their stories with the world.
Now in our fifth year, Hidden Shelf Publishing House is a fast-growing press. Releases have included Amazon best-sellers, an Idaho Library Association book of the year, and a new release by a Christy Award® winning author.