Hidden Shelf Trivia

In 1952, Bernard Malamud’s first published novel was The Natural.
The movie version starring Robert Redford came 32 years later.
The 2015 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction was awarded to Anthony Doerr “All the Light We Cannot See” (Scribner), which the Pulitzer committee called “an imaginative and intricate novel inspired by the horrors of World War II and written in short, elegant chapters that explore human nature and the contradictory power of technology.”
Finalists: Joyce Carol Oates (“Lovely, Dark, Deep”), Richard Ford (“Let Me Be Frank With You”), and Laila Lalami (“The Moor’s Account”).
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Celebrating the Earth and Environmental Education: A Message From Our Kids’ Future
Science has the wonderful capacity to open young minds to possibilities. It prompts them to ask questions about the world they live in, especially the “how” and “why” questions.
I also believe that literature can enhance classroom science education. Both nonfiction and fiction—including eco-fiction—convey engaging and evocative examples of science in action. Such storytelling helps both young and old to see what’s possible. Stories inspire us to imagine what could be. We need to be able to imagine, to dream of the future we want. Only then can we seek and achieve it. This is our shared responsibility to future generations, and to planet Earth.
Green Earth Books: A Book List for Earth Day!
My favorite way of exploring any topic with my kids is—you guessed it, with books! There are many books that cover topics of pollution, the Earth, climate change, environmental activism and activists, recycling, science and scientists, plants and animals, both fiction and nonfiction, picture books, and chapter books. I am grateful for the wide variety, but it can sometimes make it a bit tricky to know just where to start. Here’s a quick tip–find a list of books that have been nominated for or won an award. These books have been vetted and have a stamp of approval. For my 2023 Earth Day Book Recommendation List, I am pulling from The Green Earth Book Awards. Seems pretty fitting for Earth Day, don’t you think?
Hidden Shelf Catalog 2022
In Iceland, the beautiful tradition of “Jolabokaflod” translates to “Christmas Book Flood”. On the 24th of December, Icelanders give books to each other and then spend the night reading.
Perfect for a winter evening, the Icelandic tradition is finding its way to other book-reading nations.
Browse the 2022 Hidden Shelf Publishing House Catalog and participate in this wonderful tradition!