After reading Jiemba & Friends, I started thinking about boomerangs. I remember my cousin having one when I was a kid. I’m not sure any of us had much success getting it to fly back. Regardless, I always thought they were fascinating and I’ve realized a lot of people have questions about boomerangs.
- Who invented the boomerang?
- When was the boomerang made?
- Why were boomerangs invented?
- How does a boomerang fly back?
We answer some of those questions and provide a fun boomerang project for kids with this free printable.
There’s a lot of science and history behind boomerangs. Check out these resources to learn more about them:
History of the boomerang
The science of boomerangs – YouTube
Why Do Boomerangs Come Back? | Earth Lab
Now that you’ve learned a little bit about the history and science of the boomerang, you can make your own. Some of these, if thrown correctly, will return to you. Some of them are just fun crafts to make resembling traditional boomerangs.
Make Your Own
Exploding Popsicle Stick Boomerangs
Now go check out our new release, Jiemba & Friends, and make your own boomerang!
Enjoy Author Scott Ziemer reading from his new book Jiemba & Friends!

Rachel Wickstrom coordinates marketing at Hidden Shelf Publishing house. She’s an avid reader, master party-planner, craft enthusiast, a mom to two young boys with wildly long hair, and is married to a hospital chaplain. As an Oregon native, Rachel’s childhood memories are scented with juniper berries and the crisp mountain air of Central Oregon. She currently lives in Boise, Idaho where her days are scented with lukewarm coffee, and spilled snacks.
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